The Weekly Review was coined by GTD system and red fined by Tiago Forte in his excellent post: Weekly review is an OS.

In the podcast we have mentioned the Weekly review many times and it is a pillar in both GTD, BASB and in the Focused Productivity framework.

In short it is a session where you parse all your inboxes and bring them to 0. Review all open loops. Check all your current commitments and make sure you are in control. Weekly or more often is recommended.

I have a shortcut in evernote called: Weekly review, in that note I have this list:

▢ clear email inbox private

▢ clear inbox work

▢ check calendar (-2/+4 weeks)

▢ clear physical inbox/notebook – BulletJournal

▢ clear computer desktop/downloads

▢ check CashFlow transactions

▢ process Evernote inbox

▢ prioritize and file new open loops

▢ review “Waiting For” list for followup

▢ choose Today tasks


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