LogoDo you want to improve your cognitive ability?
Cognition is in its essence your ability to think.. 
Of course you want to improve, that is why you are visiting this site! Right?  As with all skills, we can improve it with training.
The field of neuroplasticity refers to our ability to increase and optimize how the neural pathways and synapses are being fired in the brain. It was previously believed that the brain and our intelligence was fixed from early childhood, but science has proven several times that we can improve our memory, speed, attention, flexibility and problem solving. Lumosity is an app that is based on extensive research in Neuroplasticity, with the mission to hep us train and improve Neuroplasticity. Over 70 million people already use Lumosity today.

Why should I try Lumosity?

Why do we want to improve our ability to think!? It is a CORE believe at FLAWD that if we can improve, we should try. And using Lumosity is both fun and challenging.
Imagine.. if we can improve our thinking we can also improve how we relate to other areas of life and find new and better solutions.
If you still think that games could not possibly affect my neuroplasticity-  think again and listen to this: tim ferris podcast episode “The Maverick of Brain Optimization”
My lab is interested in pursuing how we can enhance cognition to improve quality of life.”
– Adam GazzaleyDr. Adam Gazzaley (@adamgazz)

obtained an M.D. and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, then postdoctoral training in cognitive neuroscience at UC Berkeley. He is now the director of the Gazzaley Lab at UC San Francisco, a cognitive neuroscience laboratory.His recent studies go far beyond mere description — he and his lab are exploring neuroplasticity and how we can optimize cognitive abilities, even in healthy adults. He is not associated with Lumosity, but he also combine cognitive-focused video games with neurofeedback, magnetic and electrical stimulation, and even performance-enhancing drugs.. 

How does it work?

I really like that the games are “Based on science” and my goals. The first time you login (dont worry there is a free version) you create a probile.
Lumosity is based on the goals you set and then it adapts to your performance.
What are your priorities?

I really like that They have divided the brain or our cognitive abilitites in 5 areas:

  • Speed
  • Flexibility
  • Memory
  • Problem Solving
  • Attention
Note that 2 of them we are also using to categorise 10 fitness areas in CrossFit – Speed and Flexibility. 

See how you improve with LPI

 Lumosity Performance Index (LPI) is a standardized scale calculated from your game scores. LPI helps you compare your strengths and weeknesses across games that challenge different cognitive abilities (the 5 Brain areas mentioned above). Your Overall LPI is avaraged from game scores in all Five Brain Areas. I really like how I keep improving my LPI and also how a measure up against other “lumositers”.. I appriciate the gamification of it. It also give me a value that I can improve. Learn more about WHY measure
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My Score from 2015-05-13

The science behind games

One game called “Color Match” is based on the “Stroop Test” :

Brain Test

NeuroCognitive Performance Test  – you can take neuropsychological assessments designed by neuroscientists to digg even deeper.



Some games provides rewards, like this one, demonstrating “Jastrow Illusion”, where all the acs are the same shape and size.

2015-06-08 07.31.23

Try it now. 

I suggest that you play every day. To enhance your performance, there will be off days – dont worry about that. And track it in “Play lumosity” goal in the Coach.me app – where you can be coached by others. Check out the goal on coach.me – when writing this I have 407 Check-ins for that goal. and I really noticed a difference in my cognitive ability.Visit: http://www.lumosity.com/ and  TRY IT! Let me know what you think below, and tag FLAWD on social media. Whats your fav game?
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