What is FMS?

Human movement is complex, but that doesn’t mean a screen needs to be.

If you’re not a reader listen to my interview with Stuart Elwell on episode 28 of The FLAWD Podcast the foremost experts on FMS in Europe.
FMS stands for Functional Movement Screen. And the screen is created by the company: Functional Movement Systems which also sometimes are shortened with the same acronym FMS. It was founded 1995 by Gray Cook.

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FMS is the tool we use to identifye limitations and assymetries (difference in sides) in 7 fundamental movement patterns, whicha are foundational for functional movements in individuals that dont have pain or musculoskeletal damage. These movementpatterns are designed so that we can observe basice motor control, stabilizing movements and put the athlete in extreme positions where weaknesses and imbalances will become visible if not sufficient mobility and motor control is there.

Want to screen yourself?

It can be hard to find a certified FMS coach and trainer, and also hard to schedule me – therefore you can do your own “somewhat simplified” self assessment – heres the youtube link. Email me your results and videos.

Strength is in the systematic approach

To be screened is normally something that most of the trainers and gyms do today. The issue is that they have made up their own systems and adjustments. FMS has chosen to take a simplistic systematic approach and put numbers on your movementpatterns so that you will get a risk management tool for your patterns, to know if you need to improve them and if you are in the riskzone for injury.

3 riskfactors

Generally we say that there are 3 major risk factors for a future injury
  1. Previous injury
  2. Age and BMI
  3. Assymetri and bad motor Control (MC)
IF you have previous injury we will closely watch it and keep working (and improving) on your current plan. Age and BMI is something that we dont focus on much in this screen (lifestyle assessment). And therefore left is assymetry and MC

All FLAWDathletes are screened 

As of 2017 we screen all athletes at least once before proceeding with training programs. This is the systematic approach that so many are missing. We deeply recommend that all athletes will receive 14 before proceeding. But as of now we leave that choice up to the athlete, and to be honest, very few athletes are mature enough to work on their assymetries, mobility and MC. 

14 points or not

As FMS puts numbers and riskvalues on your moviement patterns  we want the athlete to receive 14 before we continue. This is almost an international standard that other coaches systematically are using, like Alloy for example.

After Screen Follow up

After screening the athlete often receives a training plan or FOCUSrecommendation depending on the athletes goals.


Mobility Course in Gothenburg Sweden
Both assymetry and MC are targeted on the Mobility Course I arrange on CrossFit Backaplan for their regular members. Let me know if you want to attend, and read more on mobility (in swedish) onFLAWD.se/Mobility we are also working on adding an online course in mobility on our online university FLAWD ACADEMY – sign up now as a student so you dont miss when we launch, and if you are interested in BETA send me an email. 
Exactly like in strenthg and conditioning there is tremendous power in cycling not only for physical results but also mental. That is why we do retests after 8-12 weeks to verify that the movement are becoming better and more secure. 

Is it time for you to get numbers on your movement patterns?

Book your screening: https://calendly.com/peterlarsson


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